Letter to the editor: Emergency visit to CMH made me appreciate staff even more

Mon, 05/13/2024 - 12:00

emergency department sign

Emergency visit to CMH made me appreciate staff even more

The staff at CMH deserve to know how thankful I am for their care, writes Jill Summerhayes

Written by Jill Summerhayes
Published May 13, 2024 by CambridgeToday.ca


Read Jill's story here


No one wants to end up in the emergency department at the hospital, but it happens. My visit was on the morning of April 20....When I came around after blacking out, I felt blood pouring down my face.


Despite how busy the staff were, they were all wonderfully caring. They sat me in a wheelchair, brought me ice for the swelling and a warm blanket for the shock....Waiting in emergency, time goes very slowly for the patient but not for the staff. As new emergencies arrive, they must do triage and put the patients in order of urgency. Once they had checked for concussion, observed that I was not concussed, had no broken bones, and  the bleeding slowed, I was not an urgent case.


Read Jill's story here