Babies & Birthing
"Childbirth is a wonderful experience, a very special time in a family's
life and we feel honoured to share this with you."
Welcome to Cambridge Memorial Hospital Babies and Birthing Program. We are a community hospital-based obstetrical program in the Waterloo Region, delivering over 1,400 babies each year. Our vision is to provide excellence in family centered care that focuses on the values of comfort, respect and choice. Childbirth is a wonderful experience and a very special time in a family’s life. We feel honoured to share this with you. We are here to provide you with care and support that considers you and your family’s unique needs.
This program is committed to providing safe, quality patient and family-centred care to families. Whether you are here for a birthing experience, or taking care of your sick child, the interdisciplinary team encourages you to play an active role. We will strive to create a person-centered environment that promotes diversity and optimal healing, by respecting your cultural traditions and expressed wishes.
For all enquiries and registration information, please call (519) 621-2333 ext. 4355
Antenatal Assessment (Triage)
The assessment area is in the Birthing Unit in Wing A, Level 1. If you are in labour, you will be seen immediately when you come to the hospital. Before admission to the birthing area, an assessment will be made by a physician and nurse to ensure that active labour has begun.
Learn more: Omama's Step by step guide to pregnancy
Birthing Unit
The Birthing Unit consists of six labour/birthing/recovery (LBR) rooms, an assessment and triage area. A multidisciplinary team of nurses, obstetricians, midwives and family physicians provide care during labour, birth and the post-partum period.
When you give birth, you and your baby may remain in your birthing room for about three hours to facilitate bonding, initiate breastfeeding and to provide some privacy for you and your loved ones to celebrate the birth of your new baby. After this time, you and your baby will be transferred to the Postpartum Unit in Wing A, Level 4.
Post-Birth Care
After you give birth, you will be transferred with your baby to one of 15 large postpartum rooms.
We are here to help you learn how to care for yourself and your baby. We will provide you with a “Post-Birth Teaching Checklist.” If you or your partner have any questions or concerns, please ask.
Your success in achieving your feeding goals is important to us. We are trained to support, assist and educate you. Rest is important for yourself and your baby as you prepare for your discharge home. Your support person is welcome 24 hours a day.
Handwashing is the most important thing anyone can do to prevent the spread of infection. For you and your baby’s safety, everyone who comes into your room must wash their hands when they enter, when they have touched something other than your baby (e.g. changed a diaper) and when they leave. To protect the health of you and your baby, family or visitors are not to visit if they are ill.
The hospital runs three outpatient clinics; your baby may return to the Bilirubin (Bili) Clinic for bloodwork. Hearing tests are no longer performed in hospitals. You will be provided with information prior to discharge on how to book baby’s hearing tests through ErinOaks at one of their facilities in the community.
During your pregnancy, you will be cared for by an obstetrician gynecologist (OB-GYN), a family doctor or a midwife. CMH works with the Cambridge Midwives. You can select a provider such as the Cambridge Midwives or arrange for one through your family doctor, a nurse practitioner or a physician at a walk-in clinic. You are not assigned one through CMH.
All OB-GYNs and Midwives are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). If you do not have OHIP, you may discuss terms of cost with the provider.
List of OB-GYNs that practice at CMH:
Dr. Asa Ahimbisibwe, or
Dr. Kristin Wadsworth
Phone number: 519-219-4500
Fax Number: 519-340-1404
Dr. Jeremy Green
Fax number: 1-888-389-9273
Phone number: 519-624-8820
Dr. Marinela Grabovac (Covering for Dr. Ariel Mendlowitz and Dr. Emma Pollard)
Phone number: 519-804-2030
Fax number: 519-618-9110
An obstetrician is a medical doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. CMHs OBGYNs are trained to handle both routine and high-risk pregnancies. They work closely with you to ensure a safe delivery for you and your baby.
A midwife is a trained professional that supports women throughout their pregnancy, childbirth and early postnatal period. Their care is personalized, holistic and often in a more natural birth setting. CMH physicians and nurses work closely with the Cambridge Midwives to ensure a safe delivery for you and your baby. To learn more about how the Cambridge Midwives work with the hospital, see the videos linked below:
- About Midwifery, Cambridge Memorial Hospital & Cambridge Midwives
- Labour and Delivery Wing at Cambridge Memorial Hospital tour
You may self-refer by completing an intake form on the Cambridge Midwives website. Their office will connect directly with patients who apply to confirm acceptance to the practice.
Family doctors can handle routine pregnancies and will coordinate with specialists where necessary. will oversee your prenatal care until approximately weeks 20-24 at which point your pregnancy journey will be taken over by the OB-GYN. Your family doctor may provide support in assigning an OB-GYN as well.
List of physicians that practice at CMH:
Dr. Melissa Schurter (family physician who can provide prenatal support and vaginal delivery care; cannot perform C-sections, or complicated pregnancy care)
Phone number: 519-629-4615
Fax number: 519-629-4630
During your pregnancy, your healthcare provider will discuss birthing options with you. Each will include risks, benefits, methods, and alternative options. Depending on the nature of your pregnancy or health conditions, some options are safer for you compared to others. This will be decided between you and your healthcare provider as not everyone is a candidate for some birthing options.
Note: Trial of Labour after Caesarean (TOLAC) and Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC) may be used interchangeably. TOLAC is a planned attempt to have a vaginal delivery after a previous Caesarean birth. VBAC is a successful vaginal delivery after previous Caesarean section.
Induction means to artificially induce labour (contractions) before it begins naturally. Its purpose is to help start the process for birthing your baby. Patients are provided a resource about induction, but below is what you can expect if this is the right birthing option for you.
Patients having their first baby can expect IOL to take one to two days from the beginning of induction to baby’s birth. Your OBGYN or midwife will provide you with an induction appointment and instructions.
Note: Your induction may not occur on the date booked as patients may be prioritized by order of urgency, based on the reason for induction or capacity of the Birthing Unit.
It is important to us that all patients receive the best care and support possible. On your induction date, call the hospital at 0600h (6:30 a.m.), 519-621-2330, x4300. You will be provided with an approximate time to come to the hospital. You can eat normal meals while you wait for your induction time.
Bring your hospital bag (hospital forms, OHIP card, and supplies for labour and birth only). Your support person can bring the rest of your supplies after baby is born.
Both elective Caesarean births and emergency Caesarean births are performed at this hospital. OBGYNs perform the Caesarean sections with assistance from a team of physicians, midwives, nurses and respiratory therapists. Certain conditions may result in a Caesarean section being the safest option for you and your baby. Your care team will notify you if a Caesarean section is needed, even if you had planned for a vaginal birth.
If you are having a Caesarean section, a date and time will be provided to you to come to the hospital (typically 2 hours before your surgery). In addition to special instructions, please do the following:
- Bring your completed pre-operative bloodwork with you.
- Do not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before your surgery.
- Come directly to the Birthing Unit in Wing A, Level 1 (to the left of the main entrance doors)
Note: Your healthcare provider will give you instructions for your bloodwork. Bloodwork that is done too early or not at all before surgery may delay your surgery.
You will be admitted to the Birthing Unit if you are in active labour or if there are other concerns that make it safer for you to stay at the hospital.
Your designated OBGYN or midwife will work with you, your family, and your healthcare providers to plan and organize safe delivery for you and baby. All steps will be explained before they are performed. You can expect the following:
- Your care team will review the birthing plan and clarify questions or concerns.
- Your care team will stay with you as much as possible during active labour, called supportive care in labour or SCIL.
- Your care team will do a baseline assessment for the best care possible.
- Your care team will only use interventions when necessary (medically required).
If you are giving birth, please bring:
☑ HEALTH CARD: Ontario Health Card and Insurance information
☑ MEDICATIONS: Medications you take regularly in labeled pharmacy containers
☑ FEMININE PADS: (2 packs)
☑ CLOTHING: underwear (3 – 6), slippers, pyjamas, housecoat, socks, nursing bra & pads, extra change of loose-fitting clothes
☑ PERSONAL CARE ITEMS: Toothbrush & paste, mouthwash, soap, brush, shampoo, lotion, lip balm, etc.
☑ MORE ITEMS: Things that can make your labour and your stay after giving birth more comfortable (e.g., pillow, music, hot pack, breastfeeding pillow (optional), etc.)
☑ POPSICLES (optional)
Please bring for your newborn:
☑ 1 – 2 packs newborn diapers
☑ wipes, barrier cream
☑ sleepers
☑ clothing for trip home
☑ undershirts, socks & hats
☑ receiving blankets
☑ safety-approved car seat
If you are the support person of the person giving birth, please bring:
☑ pillow, sleeping bag
☑ change of clothes
☑ food & drinks labelled with name
Due to allergies, do not bring to the hospital:
☑ perfumes
☑ latex balloons
☑ lilies
Please bring any personal assistive devices that you require for your appointment. For example, any communication or mobility device you may need like a walker, hearing aid, etc.
Kindly note that CMH has a no scent policy. Kindly refrain from using or wearing perfumes, scented deodorants and scented products before coming to hospital.
CMH offers care for newborns requiring close monitoring in a 6-bed inpatient unit. Parents are encouraged to stay and care for their babies. Each room has a sleeper-couch the parent can use.
Your baby's length of stay in the Special Care Nursery (SCN) will depend on the symptoms your child is showing. For more information, please read the Special Care Nursery pamphlet.
What to bring for the baby
- 1 – 2 packs of age newborn size diapers
- Wipes, barrier cream
- Sleepers
- Clothing for hospital stay and trip home
- Undershirts, socks, mittens & hats
- Receiving blankets
- Safety-approved car seat (labeled with a National Safety Mark)– please familiarize yourself with the car seat prior to discharge; your care provider is unable to give advise because every car seat is different.
What to bring for the birth parent
- Pillow, sleeping bag – for the partner staying over
- Change of clothes – for both the birthing parent and partner staying over
- Food & drinks labelled with your name and appropriately sealed
Calling about your baby
The Special Care Nursery (SCN) is staffed day and night. If you are out of the hospital and want to ask about your baby, you can call the SNC and speak to your baby's nurse at any time. When you call, a nurse will ask for the 4-digit patient privacy code that you chose when your baby was admitted.
Members of your health care team are available to talk to you every day about your baby's progress and answer any questions you have.
Visiting the Special Care Nursery
- Children under the age of 16 are not permitted onto the unit unless they are:
- the sibling of the new baby
- are up-to-date with their vaccinations
- accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Please do not visit if you are feeling unwell or have symptoms such as cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting or a new rash. Many infants in our care are at high risk for infection with undeveloped immune systems.
- Patient safety is a top priority at CMH. The risk of infection is high at hospitals and extra care should be taken by everyone to reduce the spread of germs. Please wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water, especially after eating, coughing, sneezing, and using the washroom.
For more information on Visiting CMH, click here.
Sleeping positions for the baby
- Health Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Society recommend that babies be placed on their backs to sleep. "Back to Sleep" is the safest sleep position for your baby.
- Sometimes, babies in the SCN are placed in other sleep positions such as on their sides or tummies. This may be done for reasons, such as prematurity or breathing problems. Babies that are placed in different sleep positions are always connected to a monitor so nurses can watch their heart rates and breathing very closely.
- Your nurse will talk to you about your baby's sleep positions. When your baby is getting ready to be discharged home, the care team will place your baby on their back to sleep. By doing this, your baby can get used to sleeping this way before going home.
We value your opinion. At anytime you wish to provide feedback, we encourage you to share it directly with your healthcare team in the moment or as soon as possible. You may also speak with the social worker, spiritual care advisor, the unit's charge nurse or the team's leadership (see below).
If you shared a concern that you feel has not been addressed, please connect with the Patient Experience Lead at

Laura Clarke, Manager Women & Children - ext. 3391

Kim Towes, Director, Surgical Programs - ext. 2346
Share your Feedback
We're always looking to improve our website. If you have a question, comment or suggestion, please share it using the Website Feedback form below under Contact. We appreciate your feedback.
The length of your stay depends on how you and your baby are feeling. Mothers giving birth vaginally usually stay in hospital 24 hours after the baby is born. Mothers giving birth by Caesarean (C-section) are generally in hospital 48-72 hours (two or three days) after the baby is born. Early discharge may be discussed with your doctor or midwife.
- To ensure a comfortable stay, you will need to pack for your new baby, your support person and yourself. For a checklist of recommended items to pack see Admissions and What to Bring (Childbirth Care) above.
- Please leave valuables at home. We cannot be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
- Please note that CMH does not supply the following items: diapers, pads and undergarments.
Infant security tags, baby blankets, hospital scrubs or “greens”, gowns and other linen are hospital property and should not be taken home.
For the safety of you and your baby, two support persons are welcomed during your labour. If a C-section is needed, only one support person may accompany you into the C-section room and the recovery room. Close family members may wait in the family waiting room. You are encouraged to balance rest with visitation after your baby is born. Your primary support person is welcome anytime. Your children are welcome to visit their new baby sibling as long as they are accompanied by an adult.
There are no set visiting hours. For your comfort, and the comfort of other families, we ask that no more than 2 visitors be at the bedside. The hours between 8:00 pm and 6:00 am are considered quiet time.
During your active labour/induction, you will be admitted to a private room where you will stay during your labour, the delivery of your baby and your immediate recovery. You will be moved to either a private, semi-private or ward room (dependent on your coverage and/or bed availability) after your recovery.
All rooms are equipped with a sleeper sofa for parents/support person to stay over while visiting.
Childbirth Care
- Mom & Baby app: OMama M + B 2B track your fertility, make a budget, record prenatal visits, create birth plan and labour playlist, track baby's feeds, growth and so much more.
- Best Start: Are You Pregnant?
- Postpartum recovery video: Here Comes Baby - Postpartum Recovery / Bienvenue bébé - Le rétablissement après l'accouchement
- Region of Waterloo Public Health:
Healthy Babies, Healthy Children (HBHC)
In partnership with the Regional of Waterloo Public Health, CMH has successfully implemented the prenatal component of “Healthy Babies, Healthy Children (HBHC).” This provincial initiative provides universal risk screening/early intervention for all pregnant women in Ontario. The initial risk assessment is carried out in the New Beginnings Registration Clinic. To enquire about or register for HBHC please call (519) 621-2333 ext. 4355.
Special Nursery Care
Resources for Parents
- Postpartum recovery video: Here Comes Baby - Postpartum Recovery / Bienvenue bébé - Le rétablissement après l'accouchement
- Breastfeeding: One-on-one virtual support and an Online e-course are among the resources offered.
- Information on Postpartum Mood Disorders.
- Perinatal Mood Disorder Resources in Ontario
The Birthing Unit is located in Wing A, Level 1. The Post Partum Unit, Special Care Nursery and clinics are located in Wing A, Level 4. Parking in Lot #2 is closest to these units.

The Birthing Unit can be accessed off of the Main Entrance. After Hours, you can access the Birthing Unit through the Emergency Department.
Post-partum Unit, Special Care Nursery, Paediatrics, Women & Children's Outpatient Clinic, Public Health Clinics (post-birth) are located in Wing A, Level 4. Check in with unit, located near the elevators, who will direct you.
Babies & Birthing
Main Phone: 519-621-2333 ext. 4355
Birthing Unit ext. 4300
Special Care Nursery ext. 4310
Paediatrics ext. 4455
Postpartum Unit ext. 4355
Outpatient Clinics ext. 4355
Post-Birth Public Health Clinics ext. 4355