Babies & Birthing: Infant Care

This page contains information, video and education on caring for your newborn. 

One of your baby’s most important sources of energy is glucose (sugars). In the early stages of life, glucose levels are checked often. Some babies are at risk of low sugars. When this occurs, they are monitored closely. To learn more about how baby’s glucose levels are checked, see the link below. 


Checking Blood Glucose Levels in Your Baby

Breastfeeding is a normal way to provide infants with the nutrition they need. To learn about breastfeeding for your newborn, see the resources below:

For more comprehensive information to support feeding your infant, visit the Infant Feeding Support page.

Regular diaper changes and proper practices will protect your newborn from infections, diaper rash and other health problems. Here are some helpful resources to support you in learning how to care for your baby: 


To request a temporary Ontario Health Care/Birth Registration Form, please visit our Clerical Team in Women & Children's Program (Wing A, Level 4). Custodial Parents or Guardians will be asked to complete the form prior to discharge and retain the tear off portion.


CMH forwards completed forms by courier to Service Ontario on a weekly basis.


Service Ontario will complete the registration process. You will receive your child’s Health Card in the mail. Some parents may be requested to visit Service Ontario to determine if their infant qualifies for their temporary health card.

Jaundice is common and is a normal part of your baby’s adjustment to life after birth. After babies are born, some cells in the blood break down and produce a substance called bilirubin. Bilirubin can cause babies’ skin and whites of their eyes to look yellow. This is called jaundice. Learn more by downloading this pamphlet. 


Newborn Jaundice and Your Baby / Votre bébé et la Jaunisse du Nouveau-né


Pamphlets found at (2023) at Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health

Newborn screening is a test done shortly after birth to look for treatable diseases that usually show no symptoms in the newborn period. Early detection of these diseases through newborn screening prevents serious health problems and can save lives. Learn more about screening. 


Learn about newborn hearing screening and what services and support are available if your baby has hearing loss. Find out how to prepare your baby for a hearing test.


Visit the Infant Hearing Program page of the Government's Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (found Nov. 2023). 

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is when a baby that seems healthy dies suddenly in their sleep, and the cause of death cannot be explained. SIDS can happen at any time during the first year of life but the risk is highest when babies are 2 to 4 months old. We do not know what causes SIDS, so it cannot be prevented (source: Health Canada). 


But there are things you can do to help lower the risk.


  • Place your baby on their back for every sleep
  • Keep smoking away from baby before and after birth    
  • Safest sleep place is in a crib, cradle or bassinette that meets current Canadian regulations
  • Share your room with parent or caregiver when baby sleeps
  • Breastfeeding is shown to boost protection

For more information go to: 

Information about soothers and how to pacify your baby developed by the Sudbury & District Health Unit.