- Access CTV news coverage here (reporter: Colton Wiens)
- Access CambridgeToday news coverage here. (reporter: Joe McGinty)
On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (Dec. 3), Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH) with partners Project SEARCH, KW Habilitation and the Waterloo Catholic District School Board celebrated the successful implementation of a school-to-work program. Launched in September 2024, the program provides students with disabilities the opportunity to gain hands-on, work experience within a hospital setting.
Project SEARCH is a unique school-to-work transition program that was developed at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in 1996 and is currently implemented in over 750 sites worldwide. CMH joined the ranks earlier this year offering these eager and capable interns an opportunity to learn and grow, gaining valuable expertise, and engaging in meaningful work activities alongside hospital staff.
Besides building new skills, Marina P. who is an intern in the Medical Device Reprocessing Department is thrilled with the placement: “I love how I am able to go into the OR and see the instruments used in surgeries. It is fun to make connections with my co-workers”
“This partnership speaks volumes to our commitment to having a workforce that is diverse and inclusive. It reinforces our values to provide accessible and equitable employment opportunities,” said Cheryl Vandervalk, Recruitment Specialist and Business Liaison for the program.
Lema Salaymeh Senior Manager of Communication of the Waterloo District Catholic School Board (WDCSB) added: "The Waterloo Catholic District School Board deeply values this partnership, which creates meaningful opportunities for students with disabilities to gain real-world experience while enriching the broader community with greater understanding, inclusion, and a shared sense of belonging."
Skills trainer Rachel Agley of KW Habilitation and Instructor Johanna Gallagher of WDCSB work on site at CMH, supporting interns as they learn their roles and integrate into the organization’s culture. Agley noted, “We are impressed with the overall inclusive culture of CMH. Project SEARCH has been widely accepted and has already made a great impact on our interns. We are so excited to see our interns grow and support them in finding employment in their community."
The placement spans nine months in which interns rotate through different areas of the hospital, such as Food Services, Environmental Services, Stores, Administration, Medical Day Clinic, and Diagnostic Imaging. Through mentorship and support, interns gain valuable skills and confidence that can be applied to their future careers.
“I like everything about my internship in Medical Day Clinic. Mostly I enjoy cleaning the rooms so I can help the nurses and keep the patients from getting sick. I am learning how to be part of a team." -Sam D. from Medical Day Clinic
“I like learning about different areas of the kitchen, like rolling silverware, and the different fridges. My favorite part is delivering lunch to the patients as a team. I like how patients recognize me." - -Hannah F. in Food Services
“I like all the staff I work with in my department and fun things they get me to do. I get to organize filing cabinets and help put together staff appreciation gifts.” --Robert W. in HR Department