This information will help enhance your experience when you come in for your visit or admission. 


Please ensure to bring non-listed items that are requested by your care team. 


On the day of your admission, bring:


  • Your health card: Please remember to bring your Health Card to each appointment.
  • Medications: A list of all your medications, doses and times when they are to be taken
  • Insurance: Private Insurance information if you have extra coverage
  • Directives: Your advanced directives, if you have one written
  • Bag: A bag to hold your clothing
  • Slippers: Slippers that fit well and are non-slip
  • A denture cup: for dentures
  • Sanitary products: if you are having gynecological surgery
  • "Puffers" and Nitro spray
  • Diapers, Baby Supplies if you are having a baby

Always bring any personal assistive devices that you require for your appointment or stay at hospital. This may include any communication or mobility device you many need like a walker, hearing aid, etc. The hospital is not responsible for lost, misplaced and stolen items. CMH has a no scent policy. Please do not wear scented products when coming to hospital. 


If you are staying overnight in hospital, bring:


  • Personal toiletries: I.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, feminine hygiene products, shaving supplies, facial tissue, soap, shampoo.
  • Eyeglasses: Contact lenses hearing aids and other aids such as walkers if you need them
  • Housecoat, Pillow: Some patients prefer to bring their own pillow
  • Medications: The medicine you take in their original containers for the nurse to assess. Medicine provided by the hospital will be sent home with your loved one.
  • Bag: An overnight bag with your name on it and is large enough to hold the above items plus the clothes you are wearing the day of admission.

What not to bring:

  • Any electrical equipment that requires plugging in (exception: medical devices like your PAP or CPAP device)
  • Personal items
  • Large sums of money
  • Credit cards
  • Valuables such as rings, earrings