Ultrasound exams can be performed on most parts of the body and provide excellent information about a variety of conditions such as pregnancy, gallstones, varicose veins and muscle tears. This diagnostic imaging uses high frequency sound waves to see inside the body and is performed by a sonographer with a transducer (hand-held device) and ultrasound gel to produce the images. Ultrasound shows anatomy in "real-time" including movement. 


Ultrasound is performed on Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Requests for Ultrasound are arranged through a physician or an Extended Class Nurse (Nurse Practitioner). To book, call (519) 621-2333 ext. 2231.


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Please arrive at 15 minutes before your appointment time. If you are late, your appointment may be rescheduled. After you check in at Patient Registration, proceed down Wing A, Level 1 past the elevators to the Diagnostic Imaging Registration to check-in for your appointment. Please bring your health card and wear comfortable clothing. 

An ultrasound usually takes 30 minutes to 1 hour. On occasion, your appointment may be delayed due to emergency patients taking priority. We do our best to stay on schedule and apologize for any inconvenience. 


 Many ultrasound tests do not require any preparation. Only the following types require you to prepare in advance of your scan. If you are having one of these, please follow the instructions below:


Abdominal Ultrasound

Do not eat or drink for 4-6 hours prior to your appointment. You may take a small sip of water to help you take any medications you need. If you are diabetic, you may have one piece of dry toast and one glass of juice before a morning appointment. If your appointment is in the afternoon, then you may have a light, low or no-fat lunch.


Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound

Follow the same instructions as the Abdominal Ultrasound in addition to:


  • Drink four 8 oz. glasses (1 litre) of water one hour prior to your assessment. Do not empty your bladder. 
  • If your bladder is not full, an additional wait of up to 1 hour may be required or your appointment may need to be rescheduled.

Obstetrical Ultrasound

No food or drink restrictions. However:


  • Before 12 weeks gestation: One hour prior to your appointment, drink four 8 oz. glasses (1 litre) of water. Do not empty your bladder. 
  • After 12 weeks gestation:  One hour prior to your appointment, drink two 8 oz. glasses (0.5 litres) of water. Do not empty your bladder. If you bladder is not full, an additional wait of up to 1 hour may be required or your appointment may need to be rescheduled. 

Renal or Pelvic Ultrasound

No food or drink restrictions. However:


  • One hour prior to your appointment, drink four 8 oz. glasses (1 litre) of water. Do not empty your bladder. If you bladder is not full, an additional wait of up to 1 hour may be required or your appointment may need to be rescheduled.

You may be asked to change into a patient gown, so wear comfortable, loose clothing. You may be asked to lie down. During the ultrasound exam, the sonographer will apply a gel to your skin and use a transducer (small camera) to see the area inside your body being scanned. The gel is cool to your skin and the exam may be mildly uncomfortable, but there should be little to no pain. There are no risks associated with having an ultrasound. it is a very safe method to see the soft tissues of the body, which is why it is preferred for monitoring pregnancy.


You may be asked to roll or change position or hold your breath, in order to obtain the best possible images. After the exam, the gel is simply wiped off. 

After your ultrasound you may resume normal activities. The radiologist will review your images and send a report to your physician within one week, often sooner. Please follow up with your physician for your results.