Mental Health Family Advisory Committee


By becoming a Mental Health Family Advisor, you can make a difference. The goal of the advisor is to provide a family member perspective to CMH decision making processes and services. Advisors will make recommendations that will influence and support CMH’s goal to provide an exceptional experience for patients and their families. If you want to make a difference in the way health care is delivered, this volunteer position might be the opportunity for you.-


For more information about the role, call: 519-621-2333 ext. 2235.

Caring doctor listens to patient

Advisors are family members who have experienced the mental health system in caring for their loved one within Cambridge. They are reliable, committed and believe their time investment will help make a difference. They are able to see beyond their own family member’s experiences and show concern for more than one issue or agenda. They are comfortable sharing their views, are great listeners and respect the privacy of others. As someone who easily works with others, the advisor is committed to improving care for patients and their families. If this sounds like you, please complete the on-line application.

Family Advisory Committee (FAC) members report to the Director of Mental Health Services. A representative of the FAC will sit on the mental health Quality and Operations Committee. As an advisor, you will have an influence on how care is delivered to patients and ensure the patient and family experience is reflected in all CMH's services and policies. To learn more about this role, contact us

As a person committed to patient centered care and continuous improvement, members will:


  • Be ambassadors and champions for CMH in the community
  • Link every effort to fostering and delivering a higher quality patient care delivery model
  • Promote systemic change that embraces Recovery principles
  • Provide feedback on the patient experience reports
  • Participate as partners in the planning and operations of mental health program
  • Attend orientation session(s)
  • Attend scheduled meetings. Review relevant materials prior to meetings and participate actively in discussions
  • Have a representative to attend Mental Health Quality and Operation meeting(s)
  • Respond to requests for Family Advisors to participate on committees, task forces, working groups as requested
  • Be willing to provide feedback on family experiences and to identify areas for development in family centered care
  • Share personal experiences in ways that others can learn from them
  • Maintain confidentiality when requested
  • Invite different viewpoints

Meetings will be held monthly or at the call of the chair. The council may determine to not meet during certain periods of the year (e.g., summer). Meetings will be approximately two hours in length. Sometimes, you may be asked to participate in an activity or special project, to help support the Family Advisory Committee. At a minimum, you will likely volunteer about 4 hours per month. Once accepted, the membership term is two years, renewable for a maximum of 3 terms (6 years).

The Family Advisory Council is currently not accepting new applicants at this time. Thank you for your interest in supporting patients and families and helping CMH services and policies improve.