Pre-Op Clinic Appointment
Depending on the type of procedure, you may have a pre-op appointment or clinic to attend. Not all patients will require a pre-admission appointment. If one is required, your surgeon will schedule this visit.
If you are schedule for a Pre-Op appointment, plan to arrive one hour before your appointment so that you can be registered by the Registration Clerk.
Please bring to your pre-op appointment:
- Health card: Please bring your health card when you check-in at Patient Registration (Wing A, Level 1, Main Entrance). You will be guided from there.
- Medications: Bring your medications, including over-the-counter medicine and supplements in their original container. Keeping an up-to-date list of your medications and supplements can be useful.
- Supplemental health insurance information if you have any
- Lunch or snacks. There is a Tim Hortons and a fresh food vending machine located in Wing A, Level 0 elevator lobby area.
- Names and phone numbers of your family doctor and specialist
- Name of your pharmacy
- Information or test results that your doctor has given you
Depending on the type of tests you are having, it is recommended you arrange to bring a loved one or someone with you to drive you home.
Please bring any personal assistive devices that you require for your appointment. For example, any communication or mobility device you may need like a walker, hearing aid, etc.
Kindly note that CMH has a no scent policy. Refrain from using or wearing perfumes, scented deodorants and scented products before coming to hospital.
Depending on the surgery you are having, a pre-op appointment may be required. Your care provider will let you know and your surgeon may schedule one accordingly.
Helpful tips:
- Take your regular medications and eat your meals as usual, unless advised otherwise.
- Plan to be at CMH for approximately one (1) to four (4) hours, depending on your health and the type of surgery you are having.
- Wear comfortable, loose clothing. You may need to change into a hospital gown.
- Bring a list of questions you may so you feel as comfortable about your procedure as possible.
If your surgeon recommends it, you may also meet with an anesthesiologist for an assessment or an Internal Medicine Consult several days before to your surgery. It is important that you feel comfortable about your surgical experience. We are happy to answer all of your questions.
Children who are booked for surgery also receive a pre-op class. To learn more, visit: Children's Care (Paediatrics).
At your pre-op appointment you will meet with a Nurse Practitioner.
Depending on the type of surgery you are having, you:
- may have blood work, a urine specimen, an electrocardiogram (ECG), x-ray or other imaging, and/or tests done.
- will be given pre-operative and post-operative information about your surgery, which will guide you before and after your hospital stay.
- may be given special instructions to prepare for your surgery.
- may be given a contact number by the nurse for any "before surgery" concerns.
Special instructions may include:
- Bowel cleansing (laxatives and enemas)
- Changing, adding or stopping the taking of certain medications
- Special skin washes
- Changes in diet
In some cases, patients may return to the Pre-Op Clinic for further testing and/or assessments before being cleared for their surgery.
You may be required to purchase medical devices (e.g., TED anti-embolism stockings to prevent blood clots, crutches, etc.). These may be purchased on the day of surgery at the hospital and may be covered by secondary health insurances. Please reach out to your insurance provider to learn more about health coverages. .
You may be given instructions by your surgeon on how to prepare for your surgery. To learn more about planning for inpatient procedures, visit: Preparing for an Inpatient Procedure.
A physician referral is required for a pre-op appointment. Depending on the type of surgery, the surgeon may instruct you to make an appointment. To make, change, or cancel your appointment, call the CMH Pre-Op Clinic at 519-621-2330 ext. 2500 between 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The hospital will try to arrange appointments so that each patient coming in for surgery only needs to come to the hospital once to for all pre-op interviews and testing. However, we understand that attending for a number of hours can be challenging for some patients. We will do our best to work with you.
If you do need to change the date or time of your Pre-Op Clinic appointment, please call 519-621-2333 ext.2500 to speak with a clerk or leave a message.
Pre-op appointments will help get you ready for your operation. Some procedures require blood work, urine samples, ECG test or more, depending on the procedure; the healthcare team needs to know about your current and past health, your previous operations, and your medication and allergies. This may include specifying allergies to metals, tape, and latex. This helps our surgical team be as prepared as possible for your procedure so you have a positive surgical experience. You may also speak with a surgeon and/or the anesthesiologist for an assessment.
For you, it is an opportunity to ask questions about your hospital stay, learn about your procedure and what to expect, during and after, so you are as comfortable about it as possible.